Greatness of Shiva : Mahimnastava of Pushpadanta with commentary


Encompassed with most subtle Sound"



Bhava, Sarvva, Rudra, Pashupati

Ugra, Mahadeva, Bhima, Ishana?

Each of these names do the Devas desire to hear

To these precious names do I too offer my salutation 29

Reverence® to Thee Who art near (to those who serve Thee)*

And yet art far (from those who are heedless of ‘Wiave))© Reverence to Thee Oh Destroyer of Smara®

quality) and as Sayana says the deliverer (Taraka), Brahman is Trayi that is has a threefold aspect, in the three Devas, with their three Guzas Rajas, Sattva, Tamas. This aspect ts represented by cach of the three letters of which the Mantra is composcd. But the supreme unconditioned fourth state both includes and transcends all. It is the indescribable Turiyam Tejas which the whole Mantra indicates.

1 The supreme subject matter (Pratipadyam) of the Mantra is environed by subtle “ Sound” (Sukshmanada) its emanating activities. None can approach thereto save through a knowledge of Vindu, Nada etc. See my work last cited.

2 See v. 26 ante notes ; that is Shiva in His eight forms as water, earth, fire, the sacrificer, air, moon, ether and sun.

3 The verse now deals as J. C. says with His apparently contradictory aspects though He is the one unchanging unity in all.

4 Also as J. C. says because He is our inner Atma and ever guides, counsels and protects us,

5 Or because He is unperceivable beyond mind and speech (J. C.)

6 V. 15 ante p. 11.