History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes


Several Parsi names appear in the list of the contributors to the Patriotic Fund raised in England in the year 1804. In the year 1807 a fund was raised in Bombay for the support of ‘The Scottish Corporation,” a charity which was established in London by Charles IL, and the Parsis were among the principal subscribers thereto. The names of several Parsis are also among the subscribers to the funds raised in England in the year 1808 for the London Hospital. In the year 1810 a fund was raised in London by a body called the ‘“ Aberdeen Society for the Benefit of the Orphans of Clergymen and Professors of the University of Scotland,” and here also the names of many Parsis appear as contributors. They were also foremost in subscribing to the funds raised in England in the year 1816 for the benefit of the families of the soldiers who fell at the battle of Waterloo, and contributed largely to the funds raised in Ireland to relieve the distress occasioned by the failure of the potato-crop in 1822. They have also subseribed handsomely to funds raised in England to preserve the memory of her great men. Many Parsis contributed to the fund which was raised in England in the year 1803 for erecting a statue of Pitt, and in 1806 for erecting a monument and statue over the grave of Lord Cornwallis. We need not multiply such instances of the generosity of the Parsis, both

in the past generation and at the present day, especi-