History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes


prayer to the Almighty, of which the following is an extract :—

“QO Almighty Ahura Mazda, we, Thy humble servants, the Zoroastrians, offer our united, sincere, and earnest prayer to Thee, to restore His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, the eldest Prince of Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria, to health and strength. Though his medical advisers have given up hopes of his recovery, yet we humbly beseech Thee, as the Supreme Healer, to restore him to health. O Preserver of health, let Thy beneficent influence work upon our beloved Prince, so that the malady may be immediately removed, and that he may be spared to rule over us hereafter. O merciful Providence, grant us the boon that we ask’of Thee! that our. heart may be relieved of the deep anxiety into which we have fallen.”

A large sum of money was also distributed by the Parsi Panchayet on that day in almsgiving to the poor. We all know that the prayers then sent up to Heaven were answered. Great was the joy of all Her Majesty’s subjects in India, and notably of the Parsis, at the Prince’s recovery. The Parsis gave expression to their joy in the following thanksgiving : “On this earth when the children of a family unite in asking a favour of the father, he is induced to grant their request ; would not then the great Father of all, to whose kindness and mercy there is no bound, hear