History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes





O Lord our God! arise! O Is Jagdis! Tun uth!

Scatter her enemies, Veri Vikherva ruth,

And make them fall. An temno kal.

Bid strife and discord cease ; Bandh pad dves kles badho ;

Wisdom and arts increase ; Dnyan ne hunnar vadho ;

Filling our homes with peace, Am Gher jamp samp sadho,

Blessing us all. Kalyan Servkal.


Thy choicest gifts in store, Ganjthi Dan Shrest Tun kar, Still on Victoria pourJathu Victoria parHealth, might, and fame. Bal, lurti, kshem. While peasant, prince, and peer, Rank rae sadbhimane,

Proudly her sway revyere,Emnu Raj puj jane, Nations afar and near

Jyan tyanna Lok ane,

Honour her name. Nam pratye prem.

IV. Guard her beneath Thy wings,

Tunj pankman Emne dhar, Almighty King of kings, Saktiman Rajeshwar, Sov’reign unseen. Nath Mah-Dnyani. Long may our pray’r be blest, Thae prarthna bahu subhkar, Rising from east to west, Purvethi Paschim par, As from one loyal breast, Rajbhakt ek dil svikar,

God save the Queen, Raksh Dey Rani.

SPECIAL SECOND VERSE. For Her Majesiy’s Armies in time of War.

O Lord our God! arise!

O Is Jagdis! Tun uth!

Scatter her enemies,

Veri Vikherva ruth, And make them fall. An temno kal.

Bless thou the brave that fight, Ashis suryirne de,

Sworn to defend her right, Pan hak kaj ladva le, Bending before Thy might, Namtan Tunj Vir pratye, RULER of all. Bhudher Bhupal.