History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes


XXY. All advocates, vakils, and attorneys-at-law entitled Practitioners in to practise in a High Court shall be entitled to Matrimonial Courts. practise in any of the Courts constituted under this Act; and all vakils entitled to practise in a District Court shall be entitled to practise in any District Matrimonial Court constituted under this Act.

XXVI. All suits instituted under this Act shall be brought

Court in which in the Court within the limits of whose jurissuits to be brought. diction the defendant resides at the time of the institution of the suit. When the defendant shall at such time

When defendant bave left British India, such suit shall be has left British brought in the Court at the place where the aa plaintiff and defendant last resided together.

IV.—Or Marrmontau Surts. (a) For a Decree of Nullity.

XXVIT. If a Parsi at the time of his or her marriage was In case of Iunacy @ lunatic or of habitually unsound mind, such or mental unsound- marriage may at the instance of his or her wife “os or husband be declared null and void upon proof that the lunacy or habitual unsoundness of mind existed at the time of the marriage and still continues. Provided that no suit shall be brought under this section if the plaintiff shall at the time of the marriage have known that the respondent was a lunatic or of habitually unsound mind. XXVIII In any case in which consummation of the marriage In case of non- is from natural causes impossible, such marjopsummation OW- riage may, at the instance of either party

ing to physical z causes, thereto, be declared to be null and void.

(b) For w Decree of Dissolution in case of Absence.

XXIX. If a husband or wife shall have been continually In case of absence absent from his or her wife or husband for the foriseyem years. Space of seven years, and shall not have been heard of as being alive within that time by those persons who would naturally have heard of him or her had he or she been alive, the marriage of such husband or wife may, at the instance of either party thereto, be dissolved,

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