History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes, S. 328


ceased, may sue for the restitution of his or her conjugal rights, and the Court, if satisfied of the truth of the allegations contained in the plaint and that there is no just ground why relief should not be granted, may proceed to decree such restitution of conjugal rights accordingly. If such decree shall not be obeyed by the party against whom it is passed, he or she shall be liable to be punished with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to one month, or with fine which may extend to Rs.200, or with both.

XXXVI. Notwithstanding anything hereinbefore contained, No suit to be nO suit shall be brought in any Court to enforce brought to enforce any marriage between Parsis or any contract marriage or contract s 9 6 arising out of mar- connected with or arising out of any such tiage when husband marriage, if, at date of the institution of the under sixteen years . or wife under four- suit, the husband shall not have completed the tenn years. age of sixteen years, or the wife shall not have

completed the age of fourteen years.

XXXVI. In every suit preferred under this Act the case Suits may be shall be tried with closed doors should such be heard with closed . . anes the wish of either of the parties.

XXXIX. Every plaint and petition of appeal preferred Stamps on plaints Under this Act shall bear a stamp of Rs.32, and petitions. and all other instruments and writings of the kind specified as requiring a stamp in Schedule B to Act No. X. of 1862 (to consolidate and amend the Law relating to Stamp Duties) and exhibited in a suit under this Act shall be stamped in accordance with the provisions of the said Act No. X. of 1862.

XL. The provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure shall, so Provisionsof Civil far as the same may be applicable, apply to

Procedure Code to au : . apply in suits under SUits instituted under this Act.

this Act. XLI. In suits under this Act all questions of law and pro_ cedure shall be determined by the presiding Determination o a questions oflawand Judge; but the decision on the facts shall be procedure, and of the decision of the majority of the delegates fact. Se before whom the case is tried.