History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes



Burnes, Sir A., i. 39, 93-94 and note Burnouf, Prof., ii. 149

Burzigar, i. 86

Burzo Kamdin, ii. 159, 160, 182 Bushire, i. 66

Butler’s Hore Biblice, ii, 224 Byzantium, i 8


CaLcurra, i. 228, 278, 307, 308; ii. 55, 126, 213 note; Parsis in, 260

Callendar, Mr. A., ii. 64 note

Cambay, i. 85, 36, 216; ii. 40

Cambay, Gulf of, i. 27

Cambrian, the, ii. 80

Cambridge, H.R.H. the Duchess of, i. 326

Cambyses, i. 7

Carnac, Sir James, ii. 92

Carnatic, ii. 41

Cartier, Mr., ii 55

Caspian Sea, the, i. 3

Catherine, Princess of Portugal, i. 51; it 48

Census report, i. 329-30

Ceremonies, birth, i, 155-162; Sudra Kusti, 165-168 ; marriage, 174-188 ; death, 192-196

Ceylon, ii 81, 83, 133, 260

Champaner, i. 43 note

Chandrayli, i. 39

Chandu Lal, Raja, ii. 126, 128

Changa Asa, i 216; ii. 4, 5, 6

Charles II, ii. 48, 51

Charnibanda, i 42

Chattels real, i. 249, 250

Chaul, i. 35, 40

Chaupati, i. 241; ii. 57 note, 144

Chaurasi, ii. 23

Cheharpae, ii. 161

Chelsea Hospital, ii. 103

Chideh Avesta Gasaneafzuni, ii. 178

Chidrasto, ii, 157, 162

Child, destiny of a, i 160

Child, Mr. F., ii. 15 note

China, i. 27 note, 94; ii. 19, 39, 46, 54, 57, 59, 79, 88, 126, 144, 245, 257

China, Emperor of, i. 10

Chinvadpul, ii. 192

Chinvat Peretu, ii. 192

Chit, ii, 157

Choli, i. 122

Chouth, ii. 7 and note

Chreesus, i. 6

Chunam, i. 154, 199

Church, Mr. R., ii. 64 note

Churigars, i, 114; meaning of, 114 note ; 115

Civil Service of India, i. 296 and note

Close, Col., ii. 41

Connaught, H.R.H. the Duchess of, i. 300 note; ii. 289

Connaught, H.R.H. the Duke of, i. 300 note; ii. 289

Constantinople, i. 108

Continents, the Seven, i. 180

Cooke, Professor Theodore, ii. 212

Copenhagen, ii. 172, 173

Cornwallis, the, ii. 66

Cornwallis, Lord, ii. 267

Courtney, Mr., ii. 12

Court of Requests, ii. 73

Cowan, Mr., ii. 12

Cricket among Parsis, ii. 288 note

Crommelin, Hon. Charles, ii. 23

Crow, Mr., ii. 24, 25 note, 26

Ctesiphon, i. 14; see Madayn

Cuneiform inscriptions, ii. 148, 149,189

Cunningham, Capt., ii. 26 note

Cyrus the Great, i. 5; his conquests, 6 ; his character, 7; ii, 149, 283


DABISTAN, ii. 225

Daboli, ii. 23

Dadabhai Beramji, Mr., ii. 55

DadabhaiJamshedji Gamadia, Mr., ii. 59

Dadabhai Kayasji Sayer, Mr., i. 224 note

Dadabhai Naorozji, Mr., i. 75, 295, 296, 317 note; li. 263 note

Dadabhai Nasarvanji, Mr., i. 223 note

Dadabhai Nasarvanji Modi, Mr., ii. 36; his Atash-Behram, 37

Dadabhai Pestanji Wadia, Mr., i. 48 note

Dadabhai Rastamji Banaji, Mr., ii. 122, 123 ; ii, 210 note

Dadat, ii. 158