History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes



Hirji Jivanji Readymoney, Mr., ii. 57 ; trades with China, 57

Hirji Watcha, Mr., i. 51 note

Hoare, Capt., ii. 68

Holi, ii. 229

Holwan, i. 19

Homa plant, ii. 150, 151

Homaji Jamshedji, i. 114

Homji Beramji, Mr., ii. 77

Hongkong, ii. 259

Hope, Mr., series of, i. 315; ii. 12

Hormasji Bamanji Wadia, Mr., i. 148, 210 note, 235 note, 241; ii. 71, 72, 213 note ; fire-temple of, 284

Hormasji Beramji Patel, Mr., i. 173

Hormasji Pestanji, Mr., ii. 291

Hormaz, i. 12

Hormazan, i. 19

Hormazd, ii. 205, 206, 207

Hornby, the, ii. 57

Hornby, Governor Wm., i, 218, 219 note; ii. 53, 64 note

Hornby Row, i. 290

Hosbam, i. 167

Hoshang, i. 3

Hoshangji Jamaspji, Dastur, ii. 197 note, 232

Hétel des Invalides, ii. 103

Hudson, Mr. R., ii. 15 note

Hughes, Sir E., 1. 63, 64 note

Huitis, ii, 162

Hukhta, ii. 194, 214, 226

Humata, ii. 194, 214, 226

Hunter, Dr. W. W., i. 319

Husparam, ii. 158, 163

Hutosh, i. 154

Huzeefah-ebn-Aly-Oman, i. 21

Hyarshta, ii. 194, 214, 226

Hyat Banu, i. 88

Hyde, Dr., ii. 207, 208, 220

Hyder Ali, Nawab, ii 19

Hyder Kuli Khan, i. 50 note

Hydrabad (Deccan), i. 108 note ; ii. 127, 130

Hydrabad (Sind), ii. 141


TpraHIM, the Ghaznavid, i. 38 Imamjada Hazrati Masuma, i. 67

India, ii. 89 ; Emperor of, i. 10 ; population of, 91; Empress of, 279 ; history of, 314

Indian Legislature, i. 249

Indian Museum, ii. 173

Indian Mutiny, Parsis during, ii, 281282 Indian Penal Code, i. 267

Indus, the, i. 3, 7, 8, 10

Inkermann, ii. 100

Iran, i. 106, 137; ii. 6, 152, 154, 234

Isadvastara, i. 155

Isfahan, i. 58, 89, 108

Isfandiar, i. 25 note

Islam, i. 15 ; mission of, 16-18

Istakhr, i. 22

Izeshine, i. 60; see Yazashne


JABHLA, i. 117, 165

Jabr, ii. 151

Jacob, Mr. H., i. 291, 292

Jadi Rana, i 30, 34

Jal, i. 5 ; ii 283

Jalalabad, i. 94 note

Jalbhai Ardeshir Seth, Mr., ii. 17 note

Jalula, i. 19

Jamas, i. 119, 177, 178

Jamasji Framji Bhaynagri, Mr., ii. 38

Jamasp; L 106

Jamaspa (a name), ii. 150

Jamaspa (a wise man), i. 153, 154

Jamasp Bitai, ii. 177

Jamaspji Minocherji, Dastur, ii. 174, 183, 232, 237

James Drummond, the, ii. 80

Jamshed Boga Modi, i. 219 note, 223 note

Jamshedi Naoroz, i. 4, 113 note, 148 ; ii. 39

Jamshedji Ardeshir Dalal, Mr., i. 297

Jamshedji Bamanji, Mr., ii. 64 note, 65 and note, 66; letter to, 67-68; receives testimonial, 69 ; his reply, 6970; his rewards, 70

Jamshedji Beramji Laskari, Mr., i. 228 ; his punishment, 229-230

Jamshedji Dhanjibhai, Mr., ii. 71 note

Jamshedji Dovabji, Mr., ii. 253; his