History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes


describing the Parsis of Gujarat, we now proceed to give a sketch of some of the earlier Parsis who distinguished themselves in Bombay by their commercial spirit, enterprise, and benevolence, after they had settled in that city.

Dorabji Nanabhai, the head of the Patel family, was one of the earliest residents, if not the very first Parsi settler in Bombay. It is uncertain whether there were any Parsis in that city before his arrival, but he was certainly a resident of Bombay before the cession of the island to the English, and was employed by the Portuguese Government in transacting miscellaneous business with the natives of the place. He continued to perform this duty after the transfer of Bombay, and as the new rulers were ignorant of the manners, language, and customs of the people, he was frequently consulted by the English about their affairs. In the year 1668 the population consisted chiefly of fishermen, and it having been found necessary to raise the revenue! of the place, the new authorities levied a body tax upon them, and entrusted its collection to Dorabji Nanabhai, who is said to have carried out his orders smoothly and without any friction, whereby he be-

came exceedingly popular among the people. On

* It may interest our readers to know that the total amount of the revenue of Bombay in the first year of the English Government was about six thousand five hundred pounds sterling, and was, as given by.