Jugoslovenski Rotar

Cpa NOD Ар си О Van we TS

VI muecmo rybepuepa 77 Aucrpikta — Monthly Letter of the governor of 77th District Dr. Milan Stojadinorié’/ Oxnoe potapetba према apxabu — The Relation of Rotary to the State Jofn Nelson | Ivan MeStrovié Parle Ostovié / NMakr Mane Araute — Little Entente Dact St Peliyanovié | Rotary Camp d’ Avigon 1955 Mita Manojlovié / \storija Rotarstva u Jugoslaviji (V. Osnivanje Rotary cluba na Susaku — History of Rotary Movement in Yugoslavija (Foundation of the Susak Club) Viktor Car-Emin /1 Dubrovnik - biser Jadrana, osnovao je svoj Rotary club — Dubrovnik - the gem of the Adriatic-has founded its Rotary Club / Prisustvo-

vanje klubskim sednicama / 2Kubor Ротари Блубоба у Југослабији — Life of Rotary Clubs in Yugoslavia / Porast rotary kluboya u Evropi, Severnoj’ Africi i Maloj Aziji od 1925—353 g. — Report of the first District Conference of 77 th

District St. K. Pavlović DEE MEW ih -B. VAR 1933 ЈЕЛ УНИ АД)