Jugoslovenski Rotar

bley, my wife and son, I send to you, as Governor of Jugo-Slavian Rotary, our deepest sympathy, and profound regret.

Since our visit to your country last year, we have learned to love your people, and have read with understanding and intimate knowledge of the happenings of the past few months, as portrayed in our daily press.

We read of your noble king’s visit to Bulgaria, and of his great act to bring about the end of the enmity between the two Slav countries; and of the wonderful reception he received from the people of Bulgaria. We have read of Signor Mussolinis outburst against Jugo-Slavia, and of King Alexander's proposed visit to Paris, and we all hoped that by the King’s visit to Paris, some effort would be made through France towards a reconciliation between Italy and Jugo-Slavia.

And now comes the news of his untimely death. We sincerely hope that his death will unite all the factions in Jugo-Slavia, and that harmony will prevail throughout the country. Again emphasising our deep regret at your great loss, Yours very sincerely in

Rotary J. Edward Garner.“

»Helsinki (Suomi — Finland).

My dear Stojadinović:

On behalf of the Rotarians of Finland I hasten to express to you, and through you to the Rotarians of Jugoslavia our sincerest sympathy in your tragic bereavement.

Newspapers all over our country contain long articles full of sympathy for your late King and for your country, describing his wonderful and unselfish work for his country, for which he now has given his life.

Your sincere friend, Paul Thorwall.“

»V aison-la-Romaine (Vaucluse, France). Devant affreux malheur qui frappe nos deux pays vous renouvelle sentiments profonde amitié. Je m‘incline respectueusement devant memoire Grand Roi Alexandre.

Ulysse Fabre.“

»Lurbaran 20, Madrid (Espaiia).

Cher ami et camarade Rotarien,

Jappris la trieste nouvelle de la mort de votre Roi et je m’empresse pour yous trans-


mettre mes sincéres condoléances pour la perte qui frappe votre pays. Recevez, cher ami, l’expression d’amiti¢é de votre devoué collégue Domingo Mendizabal.“

»Bucuresti (Romania).

Partageons fraternellement grande douleur éprouvée par la perte du roi héros et martyr modéle de déyouement pour son peuple.

Pennescu — Kertsch.*

»l rieste (Italia).

Mio Caro Amico,

Ho espresso al Governatore Krejéi lesecrazione dei Rotariani italiani per Vorribile attentato di cui e rimasta vittima il vostro grande Sovrano e la parte che essi prendono al grave lutto che a colpito la vostra Nazione.

Ma desidero ancora esprimere personalmente a Lei che con me e animata da tanto desiderio di cooperare a mezzo del Rotary al ravvicinamento dei rapporti fra i nostri due Paesi, il mio dolore per al tragica scomparsa del Re Alessandro e del Ministro francese Barthou sulla cui opera gli uomini di buona volonta jugoslavi ed italiani fondayano molte speranze.

Insieme alle mie vive condoglianze formulo l’augurio che la sanguinosa tragedia di Marsiglia non abbia ad impedire quel rappacificamento che e nostro comune desiderio.

Si abbia i miei cordiali saluti.

(s) Luigi Piccione.“

»Rotary Club Campina (Romania).

Dear Rotarian Stojadinoyi¢,

After the loss you have suffered through the death of your King, we express to you and all the Rotary Clubs of your country our deepest and sincerest sympathy. At our last meeting, which was the first after the regretful accident, we have commemorated the great King, who was so near to the hearts of all Roumanians. Sincerely yours

Dr. I. Macri, Secretary.“

»Franklin,Pa., U.S.A. »Dear and Esteemed Sir,

The members of the Rotary Club at Franklin, Pennsylvania, U.S. A., learned with deep regret and sorrow of the assassination of