Pravo i privreda

O свакој од ових обавеза може ce говорити ca становишта уговора о осигурању у целини. а још одрсђенијс и потпуније зависно од услова осигурања који регулишу поједину врсту осигурања о којој је реч. (чланак примљен: 24. 01.1995. г.) Dr Vojislav Sokal, The adviser ICPP ~Dunav“, in pension

The Juridical Relation of Insurance Summary

In this article the author's intention is to be delated the legal definition of the insurance and gives one general and descriptive definition of that contract, in which the accent is on some essential characteristics, as the reimbursement in the estate insurance contract, or security in the life insurance contract; unprevisibility of future events and uncertainty, which can be absolute and relative (death). The attention is especially payd to stipulation of the insurance contract, treating, with invitation to legal norms, in necessary limits the questions: form and moment of stipulation, the insurance policy and it's content, so the list of covering, and also the general and special insurance conditions, which importance is in fact that they’ are parts of the contract and the consequences of their ungiving to insured are the sanctions. At the end is done the general look on the influence of the cotract, listing some obligations of insured and insurer, passed: at the moment of stipulation, during the value of the insurance, at the moment when the insurance case comes to pass. The obligations depend of the insurance conditions. Key words: the insurance contract - stipulation of the insurance contract - obligations of paris in the contract


В. Сокал: Правни однос осигурања (cap, 16-25)