Pravo i privreda

Dr Bojana Rilke, the special adviser in INEX-INTEREXPORT

The Importance of Standardization for the Internal Market of the European Union Summary

The article is about the standardization and it's importance to realisation the function of internal market in the European Union. To make able the liberal movement of people, goods, services and capital, it is necessary to make able compare, which can be made only by standardization. Countries the members, conscious of the national differences, accepted the process of standardization, as the process of making compatible, which is doing in every level and district. The standardization is very important to the countries which are not members also, having in mind their intention to be present in the market of the European Union.. The condition is the concurrency with the conditions of that trade. So, the end of XX age is the period for the standardization and the period of standardization. Key words: standardization - standard - the European Union - the internal market - the hannonization of prescripts - the pwtection of consumers


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