Principles and aims of the New Atlantis Foundation, S. 26
fourth approach, which is to accept the equi-validity of all three revelations simultaneously. This implies the ability and willingness to think and explain life and the world equally well in terms of any of these three. It is not possible to reconcile the contradictions between them in any form of words, and thus at any moment it is necessary to think in terms of one rather than the other two. But one who understands the fourth approach can think in terms of any of the three and can move easily between them.
Anyone who appreciates the co-relativity of the three revelations is better able to relate to one another the many different and often contradictory points of view which exist in the world. Without the kind of thinking that can do this, it is not possible for the world or mankind to be ordered as a whole. It is not suggested that this is the only true approach to the problem, but it is more likely that one who can accept all three revelations and see them in relation to one another will be able to see the element of truth in different and conflicting points of view. From such a standpoint it may be possible to view comprehensively the whole development and present state of the world, and to approach creatively the question of the significance and destiny of mankind.