Principles of western civilisation


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Ordinance of William I. of England separating the Spiritual and Temporal Courts.

Henry IV.’s Answer to Gregory VII., Jan. 24, 1076.

First Deposition and Banning of Henry IV. by Gregory VIL., February 22, 1076.

The Bull “ Clericis Laicos,” 1296 A.D.

The Bull “ Unam Sanctam.”

The Agreement of the People, 1645.

Locke on the Extent of the Legislative Power, 1690. The Virginian Declaration of Rights, June 12, 1776.

Declaration of Independence of the United States of America (Extract), July 4, 1776.

Article I. in Addition to and Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, 1791.

Déclaration des droits de Vhomme et du citoyen. Le 23 juin 1793.

Report to the London Chamber of Commerce from the Special Committee on Secret Commissions, 1898.