Principles of western civilisation


counties, cities, and boroughs, respectively, shall, where more than three representers are to be chosen, divide such counties, as also the City of London, into so many and such parts as are aforementioned, and shall set forth the bounds of such divisions g and shall, in every county, city,and borough, where any representers are to be chosen, and in every such division as aforesaid within the City of London, and within the several counties so divided, respectively, appoint one place certain wherein the people shall meet for the choice of the representers ; and some one fit person, or more, inhabiting within each borough, city, county, or division respectively, to be present at the time and place of election, in the nature of Sheriffs, to regulate the elections; and by poll, or otherwise, clearly to distinguish and judge thereof, and to make return of the person or persons elected, as is hereafter expressed ; and shall likewise, in writing under their hands and seals, make certificates of the several. divisions, with the bounds thereof, by them set forth, and of the certain places of meeting, and persons, in the nature of Sheriff, appointed in them respectively as aforesaid; and cause such certificates to be returned into the Parliament Records before the end of April next; and before that time shall also cause the same to be published in every parish within the counties, cities, and boroughs respectively ; and shall in every such parish likewise nominate and appoint, by warrant under their hands and seals, one trusty person, or more, inhabiting therein, to make a true list of all the persons within their respective parishes, who, according to the rules aforegoing, are to have voice in the elections; and expressing who amongst them are, by the same rules, capable of being elected ; and such list, with the said warrant, to bring in and return, at the time and place of election, unto the person appointed in the nature of Sheriff, as aforesaid, for that borough, city, county, or division respectively ; which person so appointed as Sherifi, being present at the time and place of election; or, in case of his absence by the space of one hour after the time limited for the people’s meeting, then any person present that is eligible, as aforesaid, whom the people then and there assembled shall choose for that end, shall receive and keep the said lists and admit the persons therein contained, or so many of them as are present, unto a free vote in the said election ; and, having first caused this Agreement to be publicly read in the audience of the people, shall proceed unto, and regulate and keep peace and order in the elections ; and, by poll or otherwise, openly distinguish and judge of the same ; and thereof, by certificate or writing under the hands and seals of himself, and six or more of the electors, nominating