Principles of western civilisation



in, 132-33; attitude of propertied classes in, 133; art conditions amongst Germanic peoples, 187; Reformation in, 297, 303-5, 307, 308-12 ; franchise in, 358; economic process in (historical school), 376-81; the medieval empire in, see Holy Roman Empire ; Kantian and Hegelian development in, see Kant and Hegel; Socialism in, see Socialists, and Social Democracy

Gibbon, Edward, 100, 178, 230

Giddings, F. H., 91, 435

Giffen, Sir Robert, 15, 337

Gnosticism, 221

Goethe, 32, 100

Gorren, Aline, 187

Gostwick, J., 396

Grand Remonstrance, 317

** Great Industry,” the, 415-27

Greece, ancient, 20, 94, 138, 143, 148 ; place of peoples of, in world process, 151-56; ancestor worship and exclusive citizenship, 164-75 ; slaves in, 176-79; art in, 147-48, 18389; sanctity of life in, 189-90 ; Greek ethos and Hebrew spirit, 201-202; ultimate principles ot philosophy of, 205-14; in the fifth century B.c., 207

Green, T. H., 9

Gregory VII., 237, 265, 266, 269-72, 278, 325; deposition, Henry IV.,

Pp. Grote, 5, 73, 180, 191

Hallam, 272, 277, 278, 279

Harrison, Frederic, 78

Hebrew spirit in history, 200-2

Hegel, 2, 8, 89, 91, 238, 320, See also, 390-404

Hellenism and Hebraism, 200-202

Helvétius, 9, 71, 72

Henderson, E. F., 236, 237, 255, 261, 262, 267, 269, 270, 271, 276, 280

Henry I., England, 277

Henry IV., Emperor, 92, 266, 269, 270-72, 278; answer to Gregory | VIL, Ap.

Henry V., Emperor, 271, 276

Henry VIII., England, 261, 321

Heraclius, 259

Herder, 8

Hermann, Bishop of Metz, 237, 271

Herodotus, 207

Heron, D. C., r91

Hildebrand, 376

Hobbes, 14, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, III, 112, 113, 115, 116, 122


Holbach, 114

Holland, T. E., go, 331

Holy Roman Empire, 235, 236, 260, 261, 262, 265-72, 303-4

Homer, 169

Humanism, 292-95

Humanitarianism in ancient civilisations, 206, 209, 210; in relation to life-principle of modern civilisation, 224-25, 202

Humble Petition and Advice, 318

Hume, David, 7, 11, 80, 100, 120, 374, 391, 396

Hungary, 274, 275

Huxley, T. H., 11, 31, 82, 83

Ibsen, H., 187

Idealism, gt, 137; the conception ot German, 95 ; Greek, and art, 188-89

Index Expurgatorius, 285

Inquisition, 285, 304, 305

Instrument of Government, 318

Investiture, 255, 269

Ireland, 274, 275

Italy, thought in economic science in, Io, 29, 88; parliamentary government in, 17; Reformation in, 297, 395-307 ; political franchise in, 358

lus Civile, 158, 172, 199, 208, 209 lus Geniium, 158, 172, 208, 200 lus ftalicum, 172

Tus Latinum, 172

Tus Reformandi, 312

Jacobi, 8

James I., England, 322

James II., England, 324

Japan, 445; labour conditions 445-47


| Japanese, 27-28 ; 448-49

Jews and monotheism, 201, 202 John, England, 255, 275, 276 Johnston, C., 339

Joint Stock enterprises, 427-32

| Jurisprudence, see Law

Justinian, 170, 176, 179

Kant, Immanuel, 8, 13, 15, 89, 100, 326 ; and modern evolutionary position, 390-4

Kautsky, 11

Kipling, R., 354

Knies, 376

Knox, 315

Labour, 372, 412; struggle under

Manchester theories, 25-27, 408-12 ; and antinomy in modern economic