Ragnarok : the age of fire and gravel


possibly have bobbed up and down, now here, now there, so that the elevation from which the ice-sheet descended

Sretcn or Guacter-Furrows Anp Scratcues at Stony Porxt, Lake Erm, Micnican, aa, deep water-line; 44, border of the bank of earthy materials; ¢¢, deep parallel grooves four and a half feet apart and twenty-five feet long, bearing north 60° east; d, a set of grooves and scratches bearing north 60° west; ¢, a natural bridge. [Winchell’s ‘Sketches of Creation,’’ p. 21S.]

was one moment in the northeast, and the next moment had whirled away into the northwest? As the poet says: « . . Will these trees,

That have outlived the eagle, page thy steps And skip, when thou point’st out ?”