Ragnarok : the age of fire and gravel


Thirdly, we are to find something which brought to the planet vast, incalculable masses of clay and gravel, which did not contain any of the earth’s fossils ; which, like the witches of Macbeth,

“ Look not like th’ inhabitants of earth, And yet are on it ;”’

which are marked after a fashion which can not be found anywhere else on earth ; produced in a laboratory which has not yet been discovered on the planet.

Fourthly, we are to find something that would produce cyclonic convulsions upon a scale for which the ordinary operations of nature furnish us no parallel.

Fifthly, we are to find some external force so mighty that it would crack the crust of the globe like an eggshell, lining its surface with great rents and seams, through which the molten interior boiled up to the light.

Would a comet meet all these prerequisites ?

JT think it would.

Let us proceed in regular order.