RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

documents emphasize the need for transformation of the media in line with the development policy of our self-managing society. Answers should be provided in both theory and practice. At апу rate, their one and only real place of existence lies in concrete radio and television programmes. If these аге not really transformed, then the other possible answers simply remain on the sidelines of radio and television events. To cultivate a realistic critical view of the radio and television programmes, incisive criticism is required. This criticism should offer a clearer picture of the insufficiently visible boundaries between really creative programmes which strive towards higher programme quality which blaze a trail for specific two-way selt-managmg communication, and those programmes appearing in the general programme as »fillers« which make no attempt to uphold the self-respect of the listener/viewer, placing him in the position of an object, an inactive screen-gazer or listener of untutored еаг - an uncritical and unimaginative swallower of all that is on the air. Since we have no theory of the media, we have no precise yardsticks either. Hence the appearance of differing assessments ot the programmes. Hence too the dissatisfaction with the criticism. But more fatal still is the dissatisfaction with the programmes themselves. For writing about radio and television programmes means searching for the most complete and authentic assessment of the programmes, for a real understanding of the influence ot the media. For this reason we welcome every remark from those interested in making our radio and television as successful as possible, in creating a new culture in our self-managing society and a better intellectual climate in which people can exchange information more efficiently in order to improve their own lives. Programmes, which, by their very nature come and go, remain ш the mind as traces of behaviour. Criticism of these programmes may function as documents of these social trends. In this sense the review, »Radio and Television - Тћеогу and Practice«, will contmue to cultivate a specific approach towards this inexhaustible flow ot radio and TV programmes in order to contribute to the formation ol critical standards and to fmd evidence to support the value of planned strategy and tactics in programme policy accordmg to which programmes are organised and made. This may assist m our attempts to evolve our own theory of the media. HOW TO OVERCOME ENTROPV In th.e field of radio and TV we can also go forward. but only if we take a good hard look at what has been done so far. It is an unfortunate truth that quantity does not automatically mean an improvement in quality. Therefore, there is an urgent necessity lor