RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue, 01. 01. 1979., S. 185
It woulđ, howcver, prior to this be interesting to know how television wnters replied to the question: Do TV reviem influence уоиг work and relatiom vis-a’-vis the TVprogramme in gcneral? The replies recaved show that the critics’ assumption that their reviews have no effect on television writers is in the main false. ОпЗу twenty six gave a negative reply, which means that sixty television writers wrote that reviews influence thier work. The majority of them went on to ехрЈаш their position. While twelve replied that they »influence them to a certain extent«, »sometimes«, »partialiy«, five wrote that they mfluence them when they are »extremely«, »naturally«, or »yes, to a great extent«, as wrote Boško Drobnjak, reporter from Priština. The celebrated director Nikola Rajić replied, on the other hand, »It is impossible for them not to influence work, however much we may wish them not to do so«. Acording to the replies received, it seems that television v/riters аге far more eloquent in their positions, they explain them, they write at greater length and аге more interested than their critics who most frequently reply with »yes« ог »no«. As certmri replies аге spedfic for their author’s activity in television we shall cite a number of these opinions: Omer Karabeg, reporter for the Beigrade TV political information programme: »TV reviews do not mfluence my work as I consider that an assessment of journalistic work in a television information programme cannot be separate from an assessment of texts in newspapers. Criticism is necessary only lor that part of the programme which contains artistic and creative elements«. This opinion is, on the whole, not shared by other TV reporters. Milorad Stevančev, editor-in-chief of Novi Sad television documentary-series programmes: »When favourable, it encourages ше, when negative, it drives me to fresh effort«. Zaharije Trnavčević: »Yes, I take account of reviews, especially those competently expressed«. Here аге a number of examples regardingthe influence of reviews on the work of television directors. Aleksandar Mandić: »I hope there is none and, unfortunately, there is none«, Jovan Ristić: »Privately speaking, they influence me. Thev can depress or exalt me in a moment. In fact, they neither help me nor do they mfluence my method of work or opinion«. (This position was assesscd as »not influencing« in the enquiry analysis.) ivan Andreevski, director Skopje TV Documentary Programmes;