RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue, 01. 01. 1979., S. 193

In re Ply to this question, Svetolik Mitić, TV Belgrade director, wrote: »TV reviews lack complete objectivity and this leads to bad feeling amongst television workers and in television in general. Assessment of the quality of a programme and TV expression, regardiess of the subject and genre of the programme - is to speak of a sociai!y justified creativity«. According to Radomir Subotić, Novi Sad TV director, »reviews do not have a serious status in papers, they lack basic knowledge of telefision, that is to say, they аге most frequently improvisory«. In short, television workers assessed reviews as non-expert, unobjective and as a reason for this they gave first and foremost their position in journahsm and insufficient knowledge of the technology specific nature of television. For whom are TV reviews intended? In the fost part of the enquiry we wrote about the false assumption on the part of critics that their work đoes not influence TV workers. It was seen that, regardless of all remarks about the quality of ' revievvs, TV authors regularly follow all reviews in the press, stressing that the reason therefore is not primarly the value of the reviews but also the importance of the papers which represent part of the professional public, influencing not only the reading public but also all television centres. According to the basic assumption that they do not influence TV vvorkers by their reviews, the critics, with a few exceptions, wrote that they aim their texts first and foremost at the reading public ог »exclusively« at the reading public (Olga Božičković), mainly at the r |" a(a f. r ® (Stjepan Košarog), »always at the readers and sometimes at the TV workers« (Vera Mirosavljević »Dnevnik«, Novi Sad). Ružica Maksimović, critic for »Ilustrovana pohtika« explains her attitude that she writes for the readers as foUows: »for more than hkely no one can influence television«. Igor Mandić writes that his re viewB аге aimed at »readers of апу profile, and sometimes directly at TV hself. Dimitrije Pekić, is one of the few critics who directs his revievvs not only at the pubhc but also at TV workers, meanine thereby the whole television team. AU the other rephes rescmble the above, which demonstrates that the critics do not even have апу aspirations to influence television. Only four critics wrote that they do not know whether their articles are read. The majonty know positively, for, as Stanka Gondić, the weh-known Slovenian film and television critic, said »The public