RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

As far as television drama is concerned the Portorož Festival seems to give the lie to the present world television drama crisis. The award-winning drama by Andrej Hing Ludi slikar (The Mad Painter) gives this writer an opportunity to show his talents once again. This festival gave us a new name in television drama, that of Jovan Radulović, the author of the drama Vučari iz Donje i Gornje Polače (The Wolf Hunters from Donja and Gornja Polača). He describes the folklore and ethnic customs of the people from Dalmatinska Zagora after the Second World War. The simple and humorous text of this drama presents the mentality of the Vugoslav people in general. Yugoslav viewers have been waiting for a drama like this for a very long time because it is original, typically Yugoslav, written without the usual banalities yet it is still pure television expression which leaves a documentary impression. The excellent text written by Jovan Radulovič gave director Zdravko Šotra a very good chance to prove himself once again and show an atmosphere different from those which he has shown up to now. The very imaginative camera-work of Dragoslav Mančić (the recipient of an award by the jury) proves that cooperation between director and cameraman is essential. In this programme the cooperation is such that it is very difflcult to see who is the author of the inventiveness the director or the cameraman. However, this sort of analysis is not necessary for the viewer. It was worth spending hours in front of the otherwise monotonous monitors in order to see such programmes as these and others which have not been mentioned. However, it iš usually necessary for a viewer to spend hours watching TV hoping to see something good as he never knows whether he will happen upon or miss a programme worth seeing. MUSIC AT THE PORTOROŽ FESTIVAL Music and entertainment programmes were shown again at the 1978 Portorož Festival. They were not shown at the 1977 Portorož Festival at all. The explanation given by the јигу illustrates best the programmes offered: »It is the jury’s opinion that the programmes shown in this section do not present anything new. On the contrary, these programmes are very much of a muchness and full of cliches. This is the result of dull direction and unimaginative scripts. The јигу thinks that the entertainment and music programmes fall below the intellectual level of our society«. The јигу also thought that in the music section only a small number of genres was used. The foreign guests at the festival were of the same opinion, since these programmes аге »the most suitable bridge for learning about other peoples and overcoming the language barrier« as Tadeuš Kopel from Poland saiđ. An editor from Sw;Hish television said that these programmes represent »the most sought after programmes and the