RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

Radenko Stanić

Chairman of the Information Council of the Republican Conference Presidency of the Socialist AUiance of Working People of Serbia


The development and promotion of the public information system places at the focus of attention the socialisation of these activities, which аге of particular social interest. In the political system of socialist self-management, the public information system requires the practical and theoretical elaboration of ali questions referring to the decisive influence of associated labour in this domain. The outlines for the implementation of the conclusions and documents from the XI Congress of the League of Communists of Vugoslavia (LCY) state that the »socialisation of the public information media, informative and propaganda activity and the system as a whole presupposes socialisation both on a broader social level and in the workers’ collectives engaged in these informative activities«. It therefore follows that numerous factors аге involved in the realisation of social influence and in the decision making on the editorial policy of particular media. The socio-political organisations, first and foremost the LCY and the Socialist Alhance of Working Peopie play an extremely important role in the creation of such conditions to ensure that workers and citizens аге better informed about all important events. They аге also important in developing the information media into a real forum of the workers and citizens in the struggle for the development of socialist self-management relations. In this sphere too, the Socialist Alliance endeavours to represent the front of organised socialist forces, The Alliance examines concrete problems confronting informative activities with the broadest possible consultation amongst all organs and organisations involved. In the past уеаг, the Information Council of the Republican Conference of Socialist Alliance of Serbia has examined a number of important aspects of the information system. The Presidency of the Socialist AUiance Republican Conference has dealt especially with the problems of journaiist personnel and other questions involved.