RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

advancement of work content and the further elaboration of the public organs’ councils. During discussion on changes and supplements to the Law on public information we examined councils’ positions and tasks in detail. The present laws in Serbia proper (that is to say Serbia excluding the autonomous provinces of Vojvodina and Kosovo) regulate in the principle all essential questions connected with the method of formation, the duties, rights and responsibilities of publishing and programme councils. The Law especially stipulates that a special council has to be formed for each news organisation. Councils аге also formed for each paper. In broadcasting organisations, councils are formed for the organisation as a whole, and »other councils аге formed if so defmed in the act on the formation of the broadcasting organisation«. The councils аге made up of persons nominated by the founder ог delegated by the socio-political communities and socio-political organisations, organisations of associated labour and other self-management organisations and communities. One third of the council membership is elected by the workers of the newspaper ог radio-broadcasting organisation. There has been a detailed analysis of a large number of questions which come under the competency of the councils. These councils play, first and foremost, an important role in the elaboration and more detailed establishment of the organ’s programme concept and in its implementation. In this respect they decide on basic questions of editorial po!icy. Councils launch initiatives of importance for the advancement of editorial policy by means of the realisation of broader social influence; they organise public discussions on the implementation of the organ’s programme concept and development policy; they analyse individual publications, articles and programmes; they establish personnel policy principles; they ехатше fundamental economic questions and take account of readers’, viewers' and listeners’ complaints and proposals. The councils also have a number of other duties including that of informing the founder in writing of its activities at least once a уеаг. FORMATION AND FURTHER DEVELOPMENT OF COUNCILS We have not yet had much experience as regards councils’ work, but