RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

position to demystify that idea of radio and go more deeply into the very essence of radio as a raeans of communication per se, and not an auxihary mformation channei... seems there is some opposition to the idea of accepting radio as a means of communication which must be socialised if it wants to hold on to its audience. And I feei that radio by its very essence has far greater prospects of becoming even шоге popular... MARJAN MARINIC (Radio Sarajevo): The basic quesdon which radio must answer as soon as possibie iswhat does the sociaiisation of radio mean? Sociaiisation must determme the behaviour of every professional working in radio broaocastmg and everv radio listener every rainute of every day I thmk that we rnust adđ the followmg: the function of radio in our society is not determmed by its characteristics as a medium but by : the characteristics of the society in which it functions. Therefore it must азк аЛ the vitai questions. What does the socialisation of radi mean? In Bosnia and Herzegovina we understood it to mean that we mađe it possible at апу moment and from апу of the 106 Bosnian and Herzegovenian communities to receive both expected and unexpected news. And for about two years now we have been convmced that this had been achieved. But have we sociaiised radio enough? A c ertain number of times a уеаг we tried to go out into certain areas with so-calied research teams. That also seems to me to be a form of sociaiisation. So we have made some moves. But when we totai it ad up, it seems that we are stii! at the very beginning. For the more we communicate directiy with society, the more questions there are to be answered; Аге we on the right path? Where аге we? Are we lagging behind? If so, how much? We have a Radio Council, iike other radio centres, which meets two or three times a уеаг to iook at programme trends, anaiyse the programmes, and generally give a fairlv positive assessment. We. were not satisfied with this. We tried to organise regional councils but couldn’t agree on who should be the founder of such counciis,; what our position was in the councils, what was the position of the; Socialist Alliance or other organisations. We began to wonder whether this was socialisation at ali. We decided to introduce assessors for a certain number of programmes, ог for all programmes, according to a preconceived plan and timetable. In this