RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

of its creative methods (without doing so even bona fide, in the persuasion that all that it does is beautiful and good and the only saving grace). Only when freedom of choice of those elements which need to transmit the message is established within radio drama as an autochthonous artistic genre, only when productivity acquires the place which belongs to it, only when pluraiistic conceptualism replaces manipulation with a new free exchange of ideas and experience, only then will it be possible to hold a fruitful dialogue, freely and without obstacles, оп the relationship between the technical and the aesthetic in the radiophonic medium, because it will place all our aspirations, ipso facto, on a new level of quality and value. From this probably stems that initial scepticism which I mentioned in the introduction, and probably also that firm conviction that a dialogue of this kind can be initiated and held only by those individuals who create, who manifest a high level of creative will in the sphere of Yugoslav composition for the radio. We shall here leave the field open to them.