RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

Dear Reader, This is the first issue of the Yugoslav journal RTV TEORIJA I PRAKSA published in English. The journal was started up in Serbo-Croat five years ago. It comes out four times a уеаг, Recently we also started a series of monographs and collected papers titled BIBLIOTEKA RTV TEORIJA I PRAKSA (RTV Theory and Practice Library). Our purpose is to furnish colleagues involved in editing, producing and evaluating radio and television programmes with as compiete a set of literature as possible on radio and television study and research. It has become clear however that we still know too little about the work being done in this field in other countries. А1 though we follow a number of journals and other publications around the world we need more regular insight into what others are doing to improve radio and teievision. We trust this English-language edition will spur an exchange of publications and ideas. This first English issue of RTV THEORY AND PRACTICE contains a selection of articles from a number of issues which deal with Yugoslav RTV practice and certain ideas about it. The selection was made with a view to presenting, within the limited space, at least a part of the spectrum of problems our journal treats. Should this publication rouse your interest, dear Reader, we would welcome contributions from you (reviews, articles, analyses, syntheses, theoretical papers) to help us develop our journal into as complex and complete a review of the state of the art