RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

the base of the pvramid horizontal communications predominate; one vertical trend links these communications with a higher level of communication where a s\'stem of horizontal communications also existe; the same happens at higher ievels with the onlv difference that there are fewer and fewer people who cooperate in horizontal communications. The svstem of vertical linking with various levels is, then, dissected bv svstems of horizontal communication. The function of the higher levels of horizontal communicatiori lies in the coordination of attitudes and the maMng of decisions; at the same time it is a svstem of integration ... Inter-republic communication also takes place on the level of horizontal inter-republic interaction. C ommunication is carried out in the framework of the institutional interaction of poiitical, state, economic, cultural, scientific and other institutions. This is a form of direct interpersonal communication which creates familiar relations and which can lead to effective agreement This is the form of communication which involves direct exchange of opinions, agreement and cooperation, which leads primarily to processes of integration. Here the process of exchange of opinions, negotiation and coordination, which receives its institutional forms in the delegate svstem on the level of the federatiorl, within the framework of the У ugoslav Assembly and other federal institutions, may begin. This form of inter-republic communication has been insufficientlv studied, although it is extremely significant, we may even say fundamental... Mass communications media take over one part of inter-republic communication. They sometimes even take over the majority of institutional communication. The mass media are the means of communication which can best саггу out the interaction of republic publics, acpuaintance of one public with another and acpuaintance with the political, economic, cultural and other problems of individual republic publics. Through articulation of the attitudes of the republic publics, the process of coordinating attitudes between republics is carried out, and this can lead - with responsible