RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

То define the specific features of video-mixing the author had to make a comparison, otherwise fruitful both conceptually and in terms of experience, with film editing. Umvilling to remain within the limits of mere comparison, he presents the essential elements of video-mixing as he sees them and, since television has always relied on the achievements of films, and used its technipues, he explains the reverse influence and contribution of electronic montage, thus bringing us closer to the founding of a - to use a pretentious term theory of montage as a universal creative principle of audio-visual presentation. Hence Lalič’s basic idea of presenting electronic montage as an integral creative whole and in its inter-relatedness with other aspects of television production on one hand, and on the olher as a specific technology answering needs ranging from immediate tasks to individual psychological demands. While no objections can be raised to the technical and illustrative survey, especially since, with technical inventions following each other in close succession, it is virtually impossible to achieve insight into every aspect of this sphere, we feel the lack of a closer definition - on the assumption that one is important - of the relationship between video-mixers and directors as creative personalities, and between the roles they play. A confrontation is implied in this relationship not only as regards organizational authority but also the aesthetic and artistic pualities of the final joint product With his fitting illustrations, technical exp!anations, instructions, and additionai terminology, the author has given those less in the know material for a better understanding and an introduction to the handling of montage procedures. Wider premises on the other hand make the book useful also for those who have already mastered the technique of video-mixing. But more reliance on personal experience of the kind intimated in many places, even if in the form of anecdotes, would make attractive reading and provide readers of every category with more information.