RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

the republics and provinces, and not national institutions, as is sometimes said - even in communication science deliberations. Radio carries out its function of forging the togetherness of the nations and nationalities within a republic or province by communicating in their mother tongues,j promoting and stimulating their cultural-intellectual creative expression, discovering and establishing talents in their ranks, critical evaluation of their cultural-historical pasts from a Marxist position; conducting a personnel policy within its own house in Une with the characteristics and needs of the immediate multinational milieu, democratization and de-metropoUzation of culture, and laying a foundation to ensure that associated labour and the working people and citizens have an influence - through various forms of socialization of programme policy-making - on its programme principles. Parallei with promoting the cultural identity of each nation and nationahty within the repubUcs and provinces, radio also facilitates their mutual acquaintance rapprochement, interweaving, and cooperation. This process of interweaving and cooperation builds up the the fundamental criteria of Yugoslav commonalty which contain elements of the concrete socio-economic relations, socio-class motives, the ireedom of national creative expression, and consciousness of common values and a shared life. In other words, the central radio stations аге responsible for encouraging and asserting the cultural-intellectual creative expression of each nation and nationality in the milieu it operates in, for transcending national isolation and encapsulation, that is then, for mutual cooperation and interweaving. They аге similarly responsibie for acquainting the other Yugoslav nations and nationalities with the values and the achievements of the multi-national cultural-intellectual creative expression of its milieu, and equally beholden to acquaint listeners in its own milieu with the cultural-intellectual values of the other nations and nationalities. It is not a matter, then, of cultural cooperation as such, because cooperation can be one-way - from the more to