RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

Ву assuring the aesthetic coexistence of various types of artistic expression the League of Communists of Yugoslavia has abolished all mentoring and directing in culture and precluded favourism of апу particular aesthetic direction ог school. This stance ot the League of Communists of Yugoslavia and our socialist self-management community stimulates and enriches creative expression and the development of the national cultures on Yugoslav soil, and heightens the need for their inter-communication. Third. Cultrual cooperation behveen the nations and nationalities through the central radio stations inside the republics and provinces strengthens the independence of the republics and provinces, and through development of cooperation between the cultures of the nations and nationalities of all the republics and provinces a contribution is made to integrative bonds and the cohesion of the socialist self-management community, and the content of a shared life is enriched on the basis of the determining social role of the working class. With their cultural function, then, the central radio stations act as a bridge of cooperation between the nations and nationalities, a crucial factor in advancing the brotherhood and unity of our peoples. Encapsulation would be fatal for a culture and a nation, as well as for oru revolution as a whole. Fourth. As a cultural institution the central radio station is faced each day with the responsibility of showing and proving in practice, through the content of its programmes, especially its cultural programmes, that each national cultee is valuable to tfie extent that it is a culture and that culteal universality is not attained by neglecting national traits and peculiarities. Therefore, the construction of criteria for evaluating the cultee and creative expression of a nation ог nationality in radio programmes is a crucial component of its culteal policv. There is no supra-national, Yugoslav, criteria of the value of the cultees of the nations and nationalities. Tendencies towards establishing such criteria аге remnants of unitarism and paternalism. No one is more responsible for determining the values of the culture