RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

Gojko Miletić


I А simple technical intervention between the theatre and a listener, i. e. a direct broadcasting of a theatre plav, is so гаге todav that it is irrelevant from the programme policv viewpoint Such broadcastings are possible onh r in case of some exceptionallv appropriate occasions or, eventualiv, certain theatre-in-the-round plavs which are, in addition, performed in suitable acoustic space These two e.vceptions, appropriate and the theatre-in-the-round plavs, represent one possibilih? of radio interventićn but thev are not a constant element of its programme policy since the requirements of the programme oualitv had essentiallv improved. Namelv, this tvpe of intervention enables radiophonic specific character in the least possible amount and without that full engagement of of technical radio devices a theatre plav looses a lot and gains little, except in some cases which might provide more total interpolation of radio technique into a theatre plav, including other adaptations. H owever, this would make distance, even partiallv, from an ordinarv broadcasting of a theatre plav and thus approach possible new wavs of cooperation between the radio and the theatre. RadioßeogradDramaProgrammes include another considerablv developed wav of intervention between the theatre and a listener - studio broadcastings of theatre performances If we add the epithet - svntagm ”studio broadcasting” to this form of drama programme preparation, we must underline that the word ”studio” (broadcastingi generallv denotes a space (studio) where the programme is prepared as weli as the conditions under which it is prepared (studio techninue). H owever, justification of the use of this term, when the wav and