RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

characteristic of a musical performance is associated with the fact that each performance of the same work differs from everv other performance of that work, both in its qualitative characteristics and also terms of the individualitv of the performer, as well as its situation in space and time. The sixth characteristic of a musical performance refers to the fact that a musical performance is always ”uniquely positively determined” 8 . All six characteristics of a musical performance as indicated by Roman Ingarden can, in our opinion, be identically applied to the radio drama as a work of art All the more so because, on the basis of these characteristics of a musical performance thus defined, we are able to evolve some ontological definitions of the radio drama as a work of art In other words, we can answer the question; how does a radio drama exist? In its very essence radio drama is heteronomous phenomena. It is onticaly based in the fact that it exists and lasts in time; from the moment the broadcast begins to the moment it finallv ends a certain time elapses. Individual sequences in a radio drama last a cetain time, new ones are joined on to them; these аге in turn replaced by others and so on until the stop button is finally pushed. H owever, although the different parts of a radio drama unfold in succession, in the order in which the playwright and producer set them down, the work as a whole exists simultaneously in an ideal time model, being at every moment a final and completed entity in itself. The second existential foundation of a radio drama as a heteronomous and completed entitv lies in the fact that a radio drama at the moment of its concretisation (performance) - like the musical performance with which, as we have hinted, it shares many similarities does not have ”any determined location in space”. This fact, however, should be viewed with some reservations. F ог the radio drama at the moment of broadcasting cannot be said to have апу space. Yet, given that it is aSign, accepting that the text abounds in different

в Ibid., p. 480.