RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

transcended. It is at this moment that the radio drama ”creates its own substance and in so doing emphasises its inherent value and reaching whatßoman]akobson calls the poetic function of communication. ”The dialectic algorhythm (Gremas’ term) or the binary contrasting character of the communication structure of radio drama would precisely entail that raising of the communication process to a higher level, ”a supra-informative level” - i.e. to the poetic level.And radio drama is, as we quoted S erge D übrovsky at the beginning - ”a form of the appearance of the Other.’ 23 Explaining the poetic function of radio drama in the words of the expert in semiotics Charles M orris we would say that the poetic function of the message is significance, that is, the ability of a sign to achieve in a fitting way the aim for which it is used. 24 The idea of significance, namelyof the poetic, acquires a deeper meaning with СБН eyl. In his view significance means ”a wealth of meaning, dignity, the power of the contents, as well as originality, and richness of ideas.’ 2s In the final analysis the function of the poetic in the communicational structure of the radio drama becomes ”constant!y another text” (Schaffer, , creating in this wa-' a multi-meaning message (poti'semie infinie, in the sense Julia Cr>'steva uses this term 26 As far as we are concerned, we tend to think that the above-mentioned metaph»'sical nualih' of radio drama among other things creates a poetic level on the level of communication structure too. And hw this we mean nothing more than that the poetic nualitv, in the sense in which we have discussed it constitutes an e.\istential act It would perhaps be logical at this point to analvse the radio drama receiver (listener). H owever, since we I I 23 S erge D übrovskv, Powquoi na nouvelle critique, Mercure deFrance, Paris, 1967, p. 55.

« Guido Marpurgo Tagliabue, Savremena estetika (Modern Aestheticsi, ”Nolit”, Belgrade, 1968, p. 45. ss Ibid., p. 259. 28 Julia Crysteva, op. cit