Sexual life in ancient Greece : with thirty-two full-page plates


Acheans, Assembling of the, see SOPHOCLES

Acharnians, see ARISTOPHANES

Achemenes (?), Cretan History, 456

Achilleis, see GOETHE

Achilles Tatius (fl. c. 470 A.D.), 60, 491; Leuctppe and Cleitophon, 303, 309, 515

Acts of the Apostles, The, 498 n.

Ad uxorem, see 'TERTULLIAN

Adversus Gentes, see ARNOBIUS

Adversus Indoctum, see LUCIAN

Adversus Mathematict, see SEXTUS EMPIRICUS

Adversus Polyclem, see DEMOs-

THENES fElian (fl. c. AD. 190-220), 285, 415; De Natura Animalium,

276, 285, 459 5 Various History,

, 168 n.; iii, 439n., 443, 460; iv, 176, 177, 366; vii, 80; Ix, 15,433, 471, 502; x1, 61n.; Xii, 4223; XIll, 459

4Eneid, see VIRGIL

£olus, see EURIPIDES

fEschines (4th cent. B.c.), 334, 368, 451; Contra Timarchum, 62, 149, 175, 436, 437 and n., 438, 448 n., 452, 453

fEschrion of Samos (4th cent. B.C.), 318

fEschylus (525-456 B.C.), 133, 134-6 ; Agamemnon, 150, 309; Danaides, 181; Fragments, 519,

Laius, 134; Myrmidons, 136, 451; C:dipus, 134; Seven Against Thebes, 134; Sphinx, 134

ZEthiopica, see HELIODORUS

Agamemnon, see 7ESCHYLUS

Agathias of Myrina (6th cent. A.D.), 298, 401

Agathon (fl. c. 425-405 B.c.), 489

Agen, 403

Agonis, see ALEXIS

Alczeus of Messene (fl. 3rd cent. B.C.), 4

Alczus of Mitylene (fl. c. 600 B.c.),

244, 433, 469 Alcestis, see EURIPIDES

Alcibiades, see lLystas, PLATO, PLUTARCH

Alexandrus (?), 76

Alciphron (fl. 2nd cent. a.D.), 63, 118, 165, 293 f.; Letters of Courtesans, 330, 332, 354 f., 406

Alemzon (Aleman) (fl. 671-631 B.C.), 245 ; wedding songs by,

47 Alexander, see PLUTARCH Alexander /Etolus (fl. 250 B.c.),

Apollo, 265

Alexis (fl. late 4th cent. B.c.), 57, 85, 3129, 148 f., 358, 513; Agonis, 148, 149; Hypnos, 149; Opora (The Seers), 343, 71

Alpheus of Mitylene (fi. c. 25 B.c.), 486

Amatorie narrationes, see

PiLutarcH (Moratia) Amatorius, see PLUTARCH Ammianus Marcellinus (c.

328-92), 510 Ammonius of Alexandria (fl. 2nd

cent. B.C.), 330 Amores, see LUCIAN, OvID Amphitruo, see PLAUTUS Anabasis, see XENOPHON Anacreon (c. 560-475 B.C.), 244,

257, 431, 433, 470 f Anacreontea, 244, 473 Anactoria, To (Sappho), 4 Anaxandrides (fl. c. 375-345 B.C.),


Anaxilas (fl. c. 340 B.c.), 348

Andocides (fl. c. 425-390 B.C.), 437n.; De Mysterits, 517

Androgynos, or the Cretans, see MENANDER

Andromache, see Euripides

Anteia, see EUNICUS

Anthologie Planudee Appendix Berberino Vaticana, 259, 347, 401, 498

Anthology, the Greek (Anthologia Palatinus), 259-65, 478 ff., 503 ; li, I125n.3 v, 277, 278n., 208, 3OI, 310N., 312, 331, 337, 338,
