Sexual life in ancient Greece : with thirty-two full-page plates


Prudentius (¢. A.D. 350-410), Contra Symmachum, 222

Pseudolus, see PLAUTUS

Ptolemy (fl. A.D. 140-60), 196

Pyrrhus, see Is#us

Pythagoras (fl. 540-510 B.c.), 182

Questiones Grece, see PLUTARCH

Queestiones Naturales, see SENECA

Questiones Romane, see PLUTARCH

Quintus of Smyrna (4th cent. a.D.), Posthomerica, 297

Remedia Amoris, see Ov1ID

Respublica _Atheniensium, XENOPHON

Rhetorum preceptor, see LUCIAN

Rhianus of Crete (fl. c. 270 B.C.), 485

Rhinthon of Tarentum (c. 325285 B.C.), 265

Rufinus (?), 400

Rufus of Ephesus (fl. A.D. 100), 281


Saltatione, see LIBANIUS ; Lucian

Salvianus (d. c. A.D. 490), De Gubernatione Dei, 92

Sappho (7th cent. B.C.), 257, 318 ff.; epithalamia of, 47; Hymn to Aphrodite, 321; To Anactoria, 4; quotations from, 4, 45, 48, 51n., 208, 320 ff., 425 n., 431

Sappho, see TIMOCLES

Sappho (anon. comedies), 327

Saturnalia, see LUCIAN ; MAcROBIUS

Schopenhauer, Arthur (17881860), Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung, 307

Scytha, see LUCIAN

Seers, The, see ALEXIS

Seleucus (song-writer), 488

Seneca (4 B.c—A.D. 65), Controversié, 335; De Beneficiis, 86, 213; De Brevitate Vite, 95; Epistule, 328 n.; Cedipus, 218 ; Questiones Naturales, 279

Seven Against Thebes, /ESCHYLUS

Sextus Empiricus (fl. A. D. 400), Adversus Mathematici, 182

Simonides (of Amorgos), (fl. 600 B.C.), 75, 243

Simonides (of Ceos) (556-468 B.C.), 5, 9, 246, 259, 309, 356, 388, 471

Sisenna, Lucius Cornelius (11967 B.c.), 248



Solon (6th cent. B.c.), 5, 29, 34, 41, 107, 332, 420, 436. See also PLUTARCH (LIvEs)

Sophistarum Vite, see PHILOSTRATUS Sophocles (496-405 B.c.), 6, 133, 136 ff., 150, 256, 433; on Euripides, 71; Antigone, 309, 433 ; Assembling of the Acheans, 520; Creusa, 230; Fragments, 204N., 314N., 422, 431, 444; Lovers of Achilles, 137, 431; Cnomaus, 150; Phedra, 150; Philoctetes, 227 ; Supplices, 309 ; Tereus, 39, 230; The Women of Colchis, 150

Sophron (fl. 460-420 B.c.), 267

Sostratus (Al. c. 25 B.c.), 517

Sotades of Maroneia (fl. c. 290 B.C.), 266, 488

Spectacula, see MARTIAL

Sphinx, see FESCHYLUS

Statius (c. A.D. 45-96), 236n.; Silve, 125 n.

Stephanus of Byzantium (fl. c. A.D. 500), 196

Stesichorus (d. 555 B.C.), IO n., 47, 245 £., 477

Stesimbrotus (fl. c. 420 B.C.), 399

Stilpon (c. 380-300 B.C.), 404

Stobzus (5th cent. AD.), Anthology, Florilegium, or Sermones, 34, 37, 57, 76, 95 D+ 152, 176, 204n., 254, 243, 298, 461 n., 464; Eclogues, 223; HAyperides, 29

Strabo (c. 63 B.C—AD. 23), Geographus, iii, 523; Vi, 15, 3933; Vili, 340n., 389; ix, 21Im.; x, 450; 3, 353N.; Xii, 132, 178, 353 0.3; Xi, 224, 318; xiv, 267, 428n., 488; XV, 3530.3; Xvi, 391 3 Vil, 511

Stratocles (fl. c. 320-300 B.C.), 405

Straton (? fl. c. A.D. 120), 416, 417, 421, 435, 437; 478, 479, 495, 511


Suetonius (fl. A.D. 90-140), Julius Cesar, 15n., 140n.; Nero, 157

Suidas (11th cent. A-D.), 115, 142, 148, 232n., 258, 314n., 318, 334, 461, 463, 464, 470, 510n.

Susarion of Megara (6th cent. B.C.), 73

Symposion, see PLato, PLUTARCH, XENOPHON

Symposium (Feast of the) Lapithe, see LUCIAN