Shakti and Shâkta : essays and addresses on the Shâkta Tantrashâstra


The latter, however, was misunderstood by “ Black Salvation” (Tharpa Nagpo) who took it to mean that he was to make no effort to save himself by the gaining of merit but that he was to indulge in the four sinful acts of killing, thieving, lying and fornication [or it may be four enjoyments by the eye, nose, tongue and organ of generation]. On this account he fell out with his brother in the faith Pramadeva and later with his Guru, both of whom he caused to be persecuted and banished the country. Continuing in a career of reckless and sin-hardened life he died unrepentant after a score of years passed in various diabolical practices. He fell into Heli and continued there for countless ages. At the close of the time of Buddha Dipangkara (Marmedzad or “ Light giver”) he was reborn several times as huge sea monsters. At length just before the time of the last Buddha Shakya Muni he was born as the son of a woman of loose morals in a country called Langk4Apuri of the Rakshasas. This woman used to consort with three Spirits—a Deva in the morning, a Fire Genius at noon, and a Daitya in the evening. “Black Salvation” was reborn in the eighth month as the offspring of these three Spirits. The child was a terrible monster, black of colour with three heads, each of which had three eyes, six hands, four feet and two wings. He was horrible to look at and immediately at his birth all the auspicious signs of the country disappeared and the eighteen inauspicious signs were seen. Malignant epidemics attacked the whole region of Langk&puri. Some died, others suffered only, but all were in misery. Lamentation, famine and sorrow beset the land. There was disease, bloodshed, mildew, hailstorms, droughts, floods and all other kinds of calamities. Even dreams were frightful and ominous signs portending a great catastrophe oppressed all. Evil spirits roamed the land. So great were the evils that it seemed as if the good merits of everyone

had been exhausted all at once. The mother who had given birth to this monster died