Shakti and Shâkta : essays and addresses on the Shâkta Tantrashâstra


the fruit thereof namely a pure mind (Chittashuddhi). This Sanskrit term does not merely mean a mind free from sexual impurity, as an English reader might suppose. The attainment of this and other good qualities is the A B C of Sadhana. A person may have a pure mind in this sense and yet be wholly incapable of Yoga. Chittashuddhi consists not merely in moral purity of every kind, but in knowledge, detachment, capacity for pure intellectual functioning, attention, meditation and so forth. When by Karma and Upasan& the mind is brought to this point and when, in the case of Vedantik Yoga, there is dispassion and detachment from the world and its desires, then the Yoga path is open for the realization of Tattvajnana that is ultimate Truth. Very few persons indeed are competent for Yoga in its higher forms. The majority should seek their advancement along the path of ritual and devotion. There are four main forms of Yoga, according to a common computation, namely Mantrayoga, Hathayoga, Layayoga, Rajayoga the general characteristics of which have been described in ‘The Serpent Power.” It is only necessary here to note that Kundali-yoga is Laya-yoga. The Highth Chapter of the Sammohana Tantra however speaks of five kinds namely Jnana, Raja, Laya, Hatha, Mantra, and mentions as five aspects of the spiritual life Dharma, Kriya, Bhava, Jnana, Yoga; Mantrayoga being said to be of two kinds according as it is pursued along the path of Kriya or Bh&ava. Many forms of Yoga are in fact mentioned in the Books. There are seven Sadhanas of Yoga namely Shatkarma, Asana, Mudra, Pratyahara, Pranayama, Dhyana, Samaédhi which are cleansing of the body, seat, postures for gymnastic and Yoga purposes, the abstraction of the senses from their objects, breath control, (the celebrated Pranayama) meditation, and ecstasy, which is of two kinds imperfect (Savikalpa) in which dualism is not wholly overcome and perfect (Nirvikalpa) which is complete Monistic experience—‘ Ahang 404