Shakti and Shâkta : essays and addresses on the Shâkta Tantrashâstra



nations which have enabled me to better understand it. I have dealt with this practical side, so far as it is possible to me, in my work on the “Serpent Power.” Even so far as the matter can be dealt with in writing, I cannot, within the limits of such a paper as this, deal with it in any way fully. A detailed description of the Chakras and their significance cannot be attempted here. I refer the reader to my work called ‘The Serpent Power.” What I wish to do is to treat the subject on the broadest lines possible and to explain the fundamental principles which underlie this Yoga method. It is because these are not understood that there is much confused thinking and misty, if not mystical, talk upon the subject. How many persons for instance can correctly answer the question “ What is Kundalinf Shakti ?” One may be told that it is a Power or Shakti; that it is coiled like a serpent in the Mfiladhara; and that it is wakened and goes up through the Chakras to the Sahasrara. But what Shakti is it? Generally it seems to be thought that it is one particular Shakti named Kundalinf amongst the many moving Shaktis which make up the Universe. This is an error as later shown. Why again is it coiled like a serpent? What is the meaning of this? What is the nature of the Power? Why is it in the MfilAdh4ra ? What is the meaning of “ wakening” the power. Why if wakened should it go up? What are the Chakras? It is easy to say that they are regions or lotuses. What are they in themselves ? Why have each of the lotuses a different number of petals ? What is a petal? What and why are the * Letters" on them? What is the effect of going to the Sahasrara: and how does that effect come about ? These and other similar questions require an answer before this form of Yoga can be understood. I have said something as to the Letters in the chapters on Shakti as Mantra and Varnamala. With these and other general questions, rather than with the details of the six Chakras, set forth in “ Serpent Power” 1 will here deal. 407