Shakti and Shâkta : essays and addresses on the Shâkta Tantrashâstra


abdomen, heart, chest or throat and in the forehead between the two eyes (Bhrimadhye) are the Svadhishthana, Manipfra, Andhata, Vishuddha and Ajna Chakras or lotuses (Padma) respectively. These are the chief centres, though the books speak of others such as the Lalana and Manas and Soma Chakras. In fact, in the Advaita MArtanda, a modern Sanskrit book by the late Guru of the Mah&raja of Kashmir, some fifty Chakras and Adbaras are mentioned : though the six stated are the chief upon which all accounts agree. And so it is said “ How can there be any Siddhi for him who knows not the six Chakras, the sixteen Adharas, the five Ethers and the three Lingas in his own body ?” The seventh region beyond the Chakras is the upper brain, the highest centre of manifestation of Consciousness in the body and therefore the abode of the supreme Shiva-Shakti. When ‘“‘abode” is said, it is not meant of course that the Supreme is there placed in the sense of our “ placing,” namely it is there and not elsewhere. The Supreme is never localized whilst its manifestations are. It is everywhere both within and without the body, but it is said to be in the Sahasrara because it is there that the Supreme Shiva-Shakti is realised. And this must be so, because consciousness is realised by entering in and passing through the highest manifestation of mind, the Sattvamayi Buddli, above and beyond which is Chit and Chidrftpini Shakti themselves. From their Shiva-Shakti Tattva aspect are evolved Mind in its form as Buddhi, Ahangkara, Manas and associated senses (Indriyas) the centre of which is in and above the Ajna Chakra and below the Sahasrara. From Ahangkara proceed the Tanmatras or generals of the senseparticulars which evolve the five forms of sensible matter (Bhfita) namely Ak&sha (“Ether”) Vayu (“Air”) Agni (‘Fire”) Apas (“Water”) and Prithivi (‘‘Earth”), The English translation given of these terms do not imply that the Bhfitas are the same as the English elements of air, fire, water, earth. The terms indicate varying degree of matter

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