Shakti and Shâkta : essays and addresses on the Shâkta Tantrashâstra


case. The Ecstasis which he calls “ Liberation while yet living ” (Jivanmukti) is not a state like that of real Liberation. He may be still subject to a suffering body from which he escapes only at death, when if at all, he is liberated. His ecstasy isin the nature of a meditation which passes into the Void (Bhavanasam&dhi) effected through negation of all thought-form (Chitta-vritti) and detachment from the world; a comparatively negative process in which the positive act of raising the central power of the body takes no part. By his effort the mind, which is a product of Kundalini as Prakriti Shakti together with its worldly desires is stilled so that the veil produced by mental functioning is removed from Consciousness. In Layayoga, Kundalini Herself when roused by the Yogi (for such rousing is his act and part) achieve for him this illumination.

But why it may be asked should one trouble over the body and its Centra] Power, the more particularly that there are unusual risks and difficulties involved? The answer has been already given—alleged completeness and certainty of realisation through the agency of the Power which is knowledge itself (Jnanarfipa Shakti), an intermediate acquisition of Powers (Siddhi) and intermediate and final enjoyment. This answer may however, usefully be developed as a fundamental principle of the Shakta Tantra is involved.

The Shakta Tantra claims to give both Enjoyment (Bhukti) in this and the next world and Liberation (Mukti) from all worlds. This claim is based on a profoundly true principle, given Advaitavada as a basis. If the ultimate reality is the One which exists in two aspects of quiescent enjoyment of the Self, in liberation from all form and active enjoyment of objects; that is as pure spirit and spirit in matter, then a complete union with Reality demands such unity in both of Its aspects. It must be known both “here” (lha) and “there” (Amutra). When rightly apprehended practised, there is truth in the doctrine which teaches that