Shakti and Shâkta : essays and addresses on the Shâkta Tantrashâstra


the Prana diffused over all the tissues: in Yoga it is converged along the axis, the static equivalent of Kundali Shakti enduring in both cases. Some part of the already available dynamic Prana is made to act at the base of the axis in a suitable manner by which means the basal centre or Mfiladhf&ra becomes, as it were, oversaturated and re-acts on the whole diffused dynamic power (or Prana) of the body by withdrawing it from the tissues and converging it along the line of the axis. In this way the diffused dynamic equivalent becomes the converged dynamic equivalent along the axis. What, according to this view, ascends, is not the whole Shakti but an eject like condensed lightning, which at length reaches the Parama-Shivasthana. There the Central Power which upholds the individual worldconsciousness is merged in the Supreme Consciousness. The limited consciousness transcending the passing concepts of worldly life directly intuits the unchanging Reality which underlies the whole phenomenal flow. When Kundali Shakti sleeps in the M@ladh4ra, man is awake to the world ; when she awakes to unite, and does unite, with the supreme static Consciousness which is Shiva, then consciousness is asleep to the world and is one with the Light of all things.

Putting aside detail, the main principle appears to be that when ‘‘ wakened” Kundali Shakti either Herself (or as my friend suggests in Her eject) ceases to be a static Power which sustains the world-consciousness, the content of which is held only so long as She “ sleeps :” and when once set in movement is drawn to that other static centre in the Thousand-petalled Lotus (Sahasrara) which is Herself in union with the Shiva-consciousness or the consciousness of esctasy beyond the world of forms. When Kundali “sleeps” man is awake to this world. When She “awakes” he sleeps, that is loses all consciousness of the world and enters his causal body. In Yoga he passes beyond to formless Consciousness.

I have only to add, without further discussion of the