Shakti and Shâkta : essays and addresses on the Shâkta Tantrashâstra


of this critics contentions in my book “Is India Civilized.” Were [ an Indian, I should never surrender my soul to any. Of what value is any gift when to obtain it you must cease to be yourselves. It is, however, absurd to talk, as some do, as though India produced nothing but SAdhus, Yogfs, Mahatmas, philosophers and the like. The life of India (I speak of the past) has displayed itself in all activities. It has meditated both as the man of religion and of philosophy but ithas also worked in every sphere of activity. There have been the splendid Courts of great Kingdoms and Empires, skilful administration (RAjadharma) practical autonomies of village and communal life (Prajadharma), prowess in war and in the chase, scientific work, a world-commerce and prosperous agriculture, a monumental and sumptuous art (where can we find stronger and more brilliant colour ?) and a life of poetry, emotion, and passion, both written and lived. It is significant of the variety of India’s like that the same land of ascetic austerity produced the Kama Shastra, (Erotic Scriptures), and kindred literature and art.

For sometime past, and even to-day, we have to tella different story. Those, who believe Karma, must know that the present conditions are due to the collective Indian Karma and not to the Ruling Power, or toanything else. For had that Karma been good, British Power would not have been here. Therefore is religion a nation-builder. Yet what has been, may be again by the aid of some of the Shastrik principles of which I have spoken, some of which are again common (whatever be the variety of form) to all the great Scriptures of mankind.

Few can be, and few shoud, therefore, attempt to be, Yogis. The bulk of men are so firmly implanted in this enjoyable world that they are loathe to leave it even when suffering. Few, again, care, or have the capacity, for philosophy. Most are more than sufficiently occupied in getting through the ordinary lite of theday. That life is getting harder and harder. It is with grinding labour that