Shakti and Shâkta : essays and addresses on the Shâkta Tantrashâstra


action must be infused by the spirit of the Religion of Power. All power must be directed to right ends. What is right is that which is presently called for by the evolving Spirit of Life. What can make such evolutionary call but Dharma or the law of the world itself? All past institutions everywhere tend to become hostile to life, though it does not follow that their destruction (though this in some cases may be necessary) is the only remedy. The recent great European conflict is evidence of the necessity of the right use of Power. An answer is always given to those who question why they should do right or who do wrong. This answer is given by Dharma as the Immanent Justice of the world. Those who have faith in Dharma have no need to trouble. There are some who though professing to believe in God are always complaining that the world is “ going to the Devil.” Amidst however, these ruins, let India at the time of re-building be prepared to speak with Her own and not with some borrowed voice. Let Her contribution be Her own, from Her own true civilization, and not some mere imitation of others. This does not exclude the adoption, in conformity with all honesties, of what others hold or do, if by such adoption it is made part of one’s own nature. Neither we nor any one else have any true use for copies, poor or perfect though they be. The original is enough and alone of worth. Your doctrine of Shakti will revivify yourselves, who have faith in it, and give to the ignorant and to others, whose activity is ill-directed, the religious and metaphysical basis of which they now stand in need. Now, when India is about for the first time to be drawn into the world-vortex, is the moment to act. Is that action to be based on principles which are foreign to youand your ancient beliefs. Can and will you justify what is of best in your own? It is you alone who can give the answer for which you will find in religion both an inspiration and a guide.