Shakti and Shâkta : essays and addresses on the Shâkta Tantrashâstra


Maithuna the desired result of a ritual is achieved (A. B. V. 3.1); they believe that the reading of the Ahanasya mantra (S.S.S. XII. 24. 1-10; A.V. XX. 136) will confer bliss, (A. B. VI. 5. 10); they say that the highest and best form of Maithuna is that of Shraddha and Satya, Piety and Truth (A. B. VII.2. 9) and this kind of Maithuna in the abstract is directed for Agnihotris who have purified themselves by actual performances and observances in a religious spirit.

They direct the observance and performance of Maithuna as a religious rite or part of a religious rite (L.S.S. IV. 3. 17; K.SS. XIII. 42; T.A.1V. 7.5 X 62, 7. A.A.; V. 1. 5.13; G.GS. Il. 5.6,9,10;8.G.8.1.19 2-6; K.GS. 1.4, 15; 4.GS.1. 24.3; Ap. G.S. IIT. 8.10. P.G.S. I. 11.7. Ap. S.S. V. 25. 11; Tan. B, VIII. 7. 12; Chh. Up. II. 13, 1-2) and they even direct that Mantras are to be uttered during the observance of this rite Br. D. V. 90; VIII. 82; R.V. V. 82. 4; R.V. X. 85. 37 R. V. Kh. 30,1; Rik P. IL 15.1-8; As.S.S. VIII. 3. 28; G. B. VI. 15). One of the articles of faith of the Vaidik people therefore was, that sexual union led the way to bliss hereafter and must be performed in a true religious spirit to ensure spiritual welfare; wanton indulgence being severely deprecated. Idi (a woman) said:—“if thou wilt make use of me at the sacrifice, then whatever blessing thou shalt invoke through me, shall be granted to thee ” (S. B. 1.8.1. S. ete.)

The Vaidik people performed their Somayajnas and Haviryajnas which included the Sautramani, with libations and drinks of intoxicating liquor (L.S.S. V.4, 11;K SS. XIX. 1. ete. §.S.S. XV. 15; XIV. 13. 48. B. V. 1.2.12; V.1 5.28: XI. 7 3.14. etc.; Xii. 8.1. etc. ; Xii. 8. 2. 21, 22; V.5. 4. 19. ete.; XII. 7. 3.8. Ap.S.S XVIIL 1.9.) Sura purifies the sacrificer whilst itself is purified (S. B. XII. 8. 1. 16). Rishi Kakshivan sings the praises of Sura (R. V- I. 116, 7). It is said to be a desirable thing (R. V X.107.9; VIII 2, 12). They prefer Soma, the sweet drink. Soma is Paramahutih (S. B. VI. 6. 3. 7);it is the nectar of immortality (S. B. 1X 4.4, 8). They deprecate and punish the wanton use of intoxicating liquor (Ap. Dh. 8.1. 25. 3. Ga. Dh. S. X XIII. 10; Va.Dh.S. XX. 19. Ba. Dh. S. IT. 1. 18. etc.; S. V. B. I. 5). They direct the use of Sura and Soma for attainment of