Shakti and Shâkta : essays and addresses on the Shâkta Tantrashâstra


Brahma (T. A. X. i.) They worship the Great Brahma thrice daily, such worship being called Sandhya-bandana or Ahnika-kriya, twilight prayers or daily rites. How and when the forms of Vaidik Sandhya now practised by Vaidikas commenced has not yet been ascertained but, there is ao doubt that prior to the time when the Taittiriya Aranyaka was composed the practice existed in its present form. It will be remembered that it is only in that work that we find the Sandhya-mantras recorded. The practice of Pranayama and Tarpana to Rishis, Fathers, and Devas also existed before Baudhayana. This practice of Vaidik Sandhya worship should be compared with the Tantrik mode, to gain an insight into the relationship of the Vedas and the Tantras,

In the Yajnas, the Vaidik people principally worshipped (1) Sarasvati (S.B. IT. 5. 4. 6: IIT. 1. 4. 9; III. 9.1. 7; V. 2.2.14; V.3. 5.8; V.4. 5.7; V. 5. 2. 7;) to whom animals are sacrificed 'S. B. IIT. 9.1.7;V.5 4.1; XII.7 2. 3) and who is the same as Vak or Vagdevi who became a lioness and went over to the Devatas, on their undertaking that to her offerings should be made before they were made to Agni (S.B. III. 5. 1. 21) and who bestows food (S.B. XII. 8. 2. 16); (2) Mahadeva or Mahesha another form of Agni, in all his eight forms S. B. VI. 1. 3. 10 e¢ seq); 3) Rudra, (4) Vishnu, (5) Vinayaka Ganesha), (6) Skanda (Kartikeya) ‘S. V- B- I 4. 31 et seq); 7) the Lingam or Phallus (T. A. X. 17) on whom they meditated during the daily Sandhya worship and who is the same as Shambhu riding ona bull, 8 Shiva (S. V. B. I. 2,2). They also worshipped (9) the cow whom they called Bhagavati A.B,V,5 2) and also (10) Indra, Varuna, Agni, Soma, Rudra, Pushan, the Ashwins, Siryya and some other Deities. For purposes of attaining eternal bliss they worshipped Ratridevi (S. V. B. Il] 8) and this Ratridevi is described as a girl growing into womanhood who bestows happiness. She has long and flowing hair, has in her hand a noose. If she is pleased, then all other Devas are pleased. She being pleased offers boons, but the worshipper must reject the same and then he will gain freedom from re-birth. This is the worship of Ratri; it requires no fasting and must be performed at night. The Mantras to be recited, is the Ritri Sikta which