Shakti and Shâkta : essays and addresses on the Shâkta Tantrashâstra


unsupported by ary evidence that the female principle antedates and includes the male principle and that this principle is supreme divinity, Shiva himself worships her...The series is of importance since the Tantrik Texts are the legitimate continuation of medizeval Hinduism and their content has long been veiled by absence of documents and by lack of understanding of such works as were available. It will now be possible to pass upon these texts a judgment based on knowledge rather than the snap judgment founded on hearsay. We see no reason, however, to modify the opinion hitherto held in regard to the philosophic or historical value of the Tantras, The works thus far offered in this series corroborate that opinion. But we value highly the work done in editing the series if for no other reason that it gives us a real insight into the jargon of the ritual and the worthlessness of Tantrik Philosophy. It is a distinct gain to know just why it is worthless and to have this point demonstrated by its adherents.’ —The Nation (New York).

“« The Catholicity is typical of the whole Tantrik system which is in its aspiration one of the greatest attempts yet made to embrace the whole of God manifested and unmanifested in the adoration, self-discipline and knowledge of a single soul...Mr. Avalonin his publications insists upon the greatness of the Tantra and seeks to clear away by a dispassionate statement of the real facts the cloud of misconceptions which have obscured our view of this profound and powerful system...The work of translation has been admirably done, It is at once faithful, simple and graceful in style and rhythm.’ —Arga,

“The Tantras are obscene, the Tantras are full of indecency, the Tantras are flooded with Adirasa, the Tantras are loathsome, the Tantras are terrible, the Kal} of the non-Aryan is the object of worship of the Tantrika,’’ Such loud words of condemnation were wont to resound without pause in the mouths of the English educated class. Fifteen annas of the high class Brahmana‘families in Bengal are Shakta and yet their religious books were being censured in this fashion. Having received an English initiation and education they were cutting with their own hand the branch on which they were seated. At that moment Arthur Avalon (people say he is Mr. Justice Woodroffe) broke their false pride and revealed the greatness of the Tantra and the English educated Babus to rub their eyes. Bravo, Oh Englishman! What could not be done by others from Krishn4nanda Agamavagisha to Shiva Chandra Vidydrnava that you have done. But what is there of novelty in it? What work of ours can be done unless a white workman is employed. Hume started the Congress and we assumed the garb of Patriots, We were about to
