The great pyramid passages and chambers


north side forms a ready means of ascending to the Entrance—See Plate LXXIX. On a former occasion I photographed the base of the west side (Plate LXXXI) where the original contour of the great mound is clearly defined, while the large square blocks of the Pyramid’s masonry underneath are exposed to view. Professors Smyth, Petrie, and others give reasons for believing that these mounds are principally composed of the fragmentary remains of the original casing of the Pyramid. We have not yet had an opportunity to examine them closely.

341 We sent off Judah for our electric-light apparatus which Brother Matheson of Glasgow = toe fitted up for us. By its aid we =~ See See ~. could see very clearly. This is

: ee = ~~~ ‘the first time that we have used — the electric light at the Pyramid. I have employed it for several

The recently reduced rubbish mound at the west base . _ of the Great Pyramid of Gizeh. nights, however, inside a dark-

room lamp in-my tent, when developing our photographs. One important reason why we have not used it in the Pyramid is, that it would be difficult to get the accumulators recharged, as this would necessitate constant journeyings to Cairo. We find that, after all, candles are more to be preferred while working inside the Pyramid than any other light, because they are easier for us to hold when we are lying on the passage floors measuring, etc. We have only once employed the two acetylene lamps which we brought with us; they become too hot to be easily handled.

In the afternoon we received a telegram from Grace, saying that she and Jack had arrived in Port Said. We were somewhat surprised, as we had not expected them till to-morrow. We got their telegram too late, however, to permit us to meet them to-day. Stanley, nevertheless, was so eager to see his mother and Jack, that he went off by himself on quarter of an hour's notice!

We are looking forward to our journey to Palestine, and trust that it may be interesting and instructive.

Your loving brother as ever, MORTON EDGAR.