The great pyramid passages and chambers



Hotel Fast, Jerusalem. Saturday, 26th June, 1909.

DEAR BRETHREN,—You will see by the above address that we are in the Holy City at last. Before writing about Jerusalem, however, I shall give you a brief account of our experiences after our arrival in Port Said on our way here. When John and I arrived there last Thursday, we were met at the railway terminus by Grace and the two boys. Grace and Jack had hada good and pleasant voyage, and were looking well.

352 We were under the impression at first that we had abundance of time at our disposal, but on enquiry at a shipping - office, John found that we would require to hasten. We at once hurried to the hotel

where Grace and As tie ten he Dim Pare: Hated, the boys had lodged n the balcony of the Du Parc Hotel, Jaffa.

the preceding night, secured their luggage, and rowed out to the Jaffa steamer, which weighed anchor at 5-30 p-m. Next morning at six o'clock we found ourselves at Jaffa, and lying off our vessel was a fleet of large rowing-boats, whose crews were waiting permission to come on board. As soon as this was granted, they made a simultaneous rush for the steamer. Those who were farthest away came stepping from boat to boat until the one nearest our vessel was packed, and the entire crowd (about 60 or so) pushed and struggled on to the Stairway. Almost before one could say “ Jack Robinson,” all these boats were emptied! We were astonished that no one had been pushed into the sea.

353 When we landed at Jaffa, we had to pass through the customs. My box was the only one opened, and the examination of it was merely formal. Our passports also were not examined. The new Turkish Constitution, which has now been in force fora year, has made a difference in many respects.